The designs of all printed works below were created and processed for production by me. All files for the design works are owned by both JK Graphics and their respective clients for who the designs were created for.
Texas Renaissance Festival 2021 - Banners

1 of 8 German banners created for the German-themed food area

1 of 8 French banners created for the French-themed food area

1 of 8 Nautical banners created for the Captain's Galley food area
Montgomery Junior High School

Vinyl door coverings for the entrance to the main gym

Vinyl door coverings for the athletic hall's exit

4' x 4' banner design

Vinyl door covering for the choir door
Vehicle Wraps

Recreated vinyl wraps for the Montgomery ISD Police

Vinyl boat wrap for a client's pontoon boat

Vinyl back covering for Rekey Xpress
Signage and Other Miscellaneous Prints

A-frame signs created for Optimus Health

Business card prints created for Tom of all Trades

Digitally printed onsies created for Turner Mangum newborns

LED pylon signs created for De'ja Vu

Lot signs created for High Meadow Estates